Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2009

Useful tool to get wire antennas up

Some hams around (DM2JUF, DH7VK) found a very useful tool to get wire antennas up into the trees. It's quite easy to get the wire up to 10 meters and more using it.

I prepared it by connecting a thin string to the ball which then is used to lift up the wire.

Sonntag, 26. Juli 2009

Preparation is ongoing

I used the weekend to prepare the equipment:
  • Installed all needed software on a MSI Wind netbook
  • Cleaned and tested the fibreglas telescope tower
  • Checked the cables etc.
  • Run some test QSOs with my TS 570 DG in SSB, PSK31 and CW
So far all seems to work pretty well and there are a couple of things only to finish next week.

Samstag, 25. Juli 2009

OZ7VEA will be QRV from Rømø EU-125 starting August, 2nd

I opened this blog to provide actual information of the activation of Rømø EU-125 in August 2009. You may find more information at as well.