OZ7VEA running the last QSOs from EU-125. This picture will also be part of my QSL card, which I'll design once I'm back in DL. Thanks to the OMs on www.globalqsl.com I'm sure I'll have the cards in a month or so.
After having heard him on 20 m with a very strong signal I determined that just around the corner there is another OM QRV from Rømø. It is Svend OZ1DYI who has his summer QTH here on the Island just a couple of kilometers away. On the link at QRZ.COM you can see his QTH.
We had a very pleasant talk just in front of this house.
It is always a pleasure to meet OMs face to face and to exchange the points of views and the experience made as a HAM.
Thanks to Svend and his wife for this very nice afternoon on Rømø!